
Alerts and planogram management presented quite an interesting challenge, since there were two types of users to deal with, those who manage the stores and those who create and send the planograms, they were different objectives but they went hand in hand and to digitize in the most optimal way it was necessary to understand the whole process from the beginning.


Design thinking


3 Months


Desktop and mobile


Since there were two realities, it was found that one of the main problems was the communication between the area that designs and sends the planogram and the store, who are the ones who implement it. In order to raise awareness on both sides, it was decided to hold a workshop where previously designed wireframes could be tested, and to verify which were the biggest pain points of the users.

Ana Rangel conduciendo un taller con wireframes de planogramas exhibidos en la pared


Objective 1

Detect which are the main pains when publishing and implementing planograms.

Objective 2

Validate if the solution previously generated in wireframes solves the users' main pains.

Objective 3

Get insights from users to see what other improvements can be added for a first MVP and for future versions.

Journey maps

It is a canvas that allowed us to visualize the users' journey to achieve a goal. With the help of the map of that journey we got an idea of the users' motivations, needs and pain points.

Tabla de consulta e implementación de planogramas con notas adhesivas y emoticonos de satisfacción Ana Rangel presentando un taller sobre la implementación de planogramas en una sala de conferencias


Validate 3 flows that are in a wireframes version, to confirm if this possible solution, effectively solves their problems that are presented in the different tasks that the users had to perform.

Ana Rangel explicando wireframes de planogramas a un grupo de personas
Wireframes de alertas de planogramas con notas adhesivas de colores


In general, many valuable insights were obtained from the different types of users, we spent about 3 days to collect everything, analyze in detail and find the patterns that would be the main indicators to start prioritizing the first MVP in terms of design.

Análisis de planogramas con notas adhesivas en un tablero
Matriz de valor para el usuario con cuatro cuadrantes


Once it was clear what were the main pains and opportunities for improvement for the users, it was necessary to have a session with the entire development team and product owner to ensure that the functionalities of the first MVP are really feasible within the time limit, and that they bring value to the business.

Diagrama de flujo de trabajo para la administración central y los empleados de Cencosud


The entire process of sending planograms, implementation and notification that the task was completed by the stores was digitized, it was a very dense and challenging flow that had to be considered as well as the devices on which each user had to access, which had to be fast and intuitive.

Interfaz de la plataforma Mi Local de Cencosud en una computadora portátil

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